Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Great Weekend!

The weekend was spent doing our weekly cutting of the front 40 (a.k.a. our front yard/field of 3+ acres of field grass) plus weed-eating, bush-hogging, etc. Of course, we spent some time in the garden... little bit of weeding, little bit of watering, a lot of watching and planning for next year...

Some of the progress around the garden over the weekend:

The corn is THIS high now.

The peas are growing their blooms now.

Sooooo many peas now! They are so full and big that their runners and blooms are going everywhere!

The cabbages are growing their center heads now.

Event the honey bees were getting in on the garden food supply! They were all over the cilantro on Saturday.

And they were all over the cucumber blooms on Sunday.

Other fun farm work over the weekend included cutting down two old stumps in the front 40. Hubby enjoyed using his chainsaw and then the tractor to haul them to the burn pile back near the barn. The first stump was from a tree that rotted and broke off a couple of years ago.

The next stump proved to be a much larger task... This massive two trunk pecan tree was struck by lightening twice over the past 3 or so years. The first time it dropped onto the old shack barn on the front of our land. The second time, it fell onto it again. It was long overdue to cut the high stump. Hubby had no problem taking care of business.

Time to push it off... Awesome work!

Cutting the ends off to be able to haul it to the burn pile...

FINALLY!! What a job!

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