First off, Hubby went ahead and drove some new posts for me into the ground in/outside the run between my 2 rows of cucumbers. I am eventually going to build a tee-pee formation rack system up to these posts for my cucumbers to run up. But, the cuke plants are not quite big enough to starting "running" yet... so we have a little time before we have to construct it.

After all that manual labor of post-driving and once "BJ" arrived, Hubby retired to the barn out of the blazing hot sun... And Hubby and "BJ" were nice enough to start off by making me some stakes as requested. 18 inch long rebar pieces heated up and bent into a "J" formation for me to drive into the ground. I could tell they really enjoyed this task.
Once the stakes cooled down, I took them out to the garden and drove them into the dirt to pull the baling twine down closer to the pole bean plants. This will get them close enough in hoping the rain today would help the plants grow up and grab onto/run up the twine!

I did remember to pick up a few more tomato cages today while we were at the home improvement store... so I set those up on my five large tomato plants.
It was blazing hot today, but the boys still continued on with their welding and cutting today on the work bench.

This is going to be one heckuva work bench I tell ya!
I forgot to mention that "BJ" brought me some bamboo today. I am very excited to make some posts, stakes, etc. out of this natural homegrown plant/tree!
Here is what it looked like BEFORE I got a hold of it:
And this is the AFTER photo... after I ninja-fied it w/ an old dirty machete!

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