Friday, February 14, 2014

And Then There Were 11.

Poor ol' "Turnip Green" had the ride of her life under our truck one night and the scare of her life being attacked by a dog the next night... This was taken right after we rescued her from the iron-clad jaws of a German Short-Hair Pointer bird dog.

She seemed perky in a sitting position the next morning after the incident the night before... we were not sure if she would even make it thru that night...

By late morning I got this text picture from Hubby stating that she was standing up! It brought tears to my eyes and hope that maybe, just maybe she did not suffer much after all.

She was very alert from the get-go... but, it was hard for us to clean her wounds under all those feathers and wing structures.

We started taking her outside for 30 minutes to an hour a day... tried to get her to walk. We called it chicken therapy... Of course, we had to guard her to keep the rooster away.

She would stand by the dog's water bowl and drink and drink and drink. She was obviously dehydrated. But, after about four days of "chicken therapy" she did not seem to be improving.

I would walk up behind her and try to get her to move around... She had an awful odor about her of decaying flesh and she would just stand in one place instead of walking. Her time was running out... One of the down sides of the farm life.

RIP Turnip Green.

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